by Stéphane Demoustier
2023, France, 1h57


Starring : Hafsia Herzi, Michel Fau, Moussa Mansaly, Louis Memmi, Pablo Pauly, Florence Loiret Caille
Screenplay : Stéphane Demoustier, Pascal-Pierre Garbarini
Cinematography : David Chambille
Music : Philippe Sarde
Setting : Catherine Cosme
Costumes : Céline Brelaud
Film editing : Damien Maestraggi
Production : Jean Des Forêts
32-year-old Melissa, an experienced prison guard, moves to Corsica with her husband and two young children. She joins the team at a somewhat unconventional penitentiary centre. Here, she is told that the inmates supervise the guards. This outstanding and captivating film has a bold screenplay and fascinating characters.