by Ninna Palmadottir
2023, Iceland, Slovakia, France, 1h15, vostf
French premiere
Starring : Thröstur Leo Gunnarsson, Hermann Samuelsson, Anna Gunndis Gudmundsdottir, Hjörtur Johann Jonsson
Screenplay : Runar Runarsson
Cinematography : Dusan Husar
Music : Pétur Thor Benediktsson
Setting : Gus Olafsson
Costumes : Arndis Ey
Film editing : Ivor Sonje
Production : Lilja Osk Snorradottir, Hlin Johannesdottir
Gunnar, an old farmer, is forced by the state to sell his farm. He leaves everything behind and moves to the city, where he soon meets a 10-year-old paper delivery boy who is somewhat neglected by his parents. This encounter will change their lives forever. An intergenerational friendship in a world where innocence no longer has a place.