by Michaël Dichter
2023, France, 1h35, vostf
Starring : Diego Murgia, Emmanuelle Bercot, Raphaël Quenard, Jean Devie, Benjamin Tellier
Screenplay : Michaël Dichter, Mathias Gavarry
Collaboration with Judith Godinot
Cinematography : Maxime Cointe
Music : Hugo Gonzalez-Pioli
Setting : Lucie Beauvert
Costumes : Floriane Gaudin
Film editing : Sarah Ternat
Production : Alice Girard, Noel Fuzellier, Marine Lepaulmier, Philippe Wendling
Max, Vivian and Tom are 12 years old and inseparable. Their world is turned upside down at the start of summer, when the factory in their small Ardennes town closes, Vivian has to move house and Seb, Max’s older brother is released from prison. Gradually Max gets caught up in Seb’s dirty dealings. A wonderful teenage story against a backdrop of social crisis.