by Pavo Marinkovic
2023, Croatia, Austria, Bosnia Herzegovina , 1h43
French premiere
Starring : Senad Basic, Andreas Kiendl, Bruna Bebic, Birgit Stöger, Admir Glamocak, Zlatko Buric
Screenplay : Pavo Marinkovic
Cinematography : Peter Roehsler
Music : Ted Regklis
Setting : Burghard Stulecker
Film editing : Dubravko Slunjski
Production : Stanislas Babic
Failed writer, Faruk, a Bosnian refugee living in Austria, is dragged out of his lethargy when he is faced with deportation if he fails to find employment. He decides to find a theatre company to produce a play he wrote as a young man. This humorous and empathetic film offers a light-hearted take on some serious themes including exile and immigration.